Friday, January 30, 2009

Transitioning or Stretching?

Don't know what the heck I'm doing now. I'm seriously thinking about texlaxing once the baby is born. Not sure I want to spend inordinate amounts of time doing my hair. I'm so used to bunning.

This weekend I'm going to straighten my hair again. Maybe see how long I can wear it that way before going crazy. I swear I NEED to wash/condition several times a week. Otherwise I think my hair will dry up and fall out (LOL)!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hair Color Question

Just had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine. She asked if I colored my hair when I was natural. Back then my hair was several shades darker. Growing out of my scalp in a never before seen rich reddish brown.

It's common knowledge that relaxers tend to lighten the hair over time. It's true. My hair color is markedly lighter WITHOUT the use of permanent hair color simply because I'm texlaxed. Also, my hair color doesn't reflect light well when it's natural/curly.

Check it out:

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Good Brush

Just picked up a cheap boar bristle brush from Wal-Mart. It's so much better than that horrible hair pulling piece of crap I've used for the past 2 years. What was I thinking? The front of my hair could be so much healthier without the harsh brushing it's endured.

My old brush is some kind of two-sided monstrosity called a fade brush. The name is apt. As your hairline will surely fade if you use it!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Transition Blues

Hmm...I'm going through that phase where I want to relax my hair. Struggling with the new growth is getting to me. I'm about 8 months pregnant and really not interested in time consuming rituals of any kind. Luckily my commitment to avoiding harsh chemicals while carrying my daughter isn't negotiable.

Still, I'm not sure what I want to do for my hair after she gets here. I suppose I'll know better by the time she arrives.

Great, healthy looking hair!

Potential Problem
My ends are suffering a bit since I changed my regimen. Sometimes I fall into an "either/or" trap. Either I baby my ends or baby my new growth. The key is to do BOTH!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Deep Conditioning Update

So far so good. But I decided to forgo straightening this week. Instead I'm back in my trust, dusty and damp bun. Oh, I was oh so generous with my homemade shea butter moisturizer too. This style ought to last me a few days before I feel the need to wash again.

Next time I'll probably do a conditioner wash....But maybe do an overnight deep condition prior to wash day. I'm busy chasing 3 kids all day and really can't commit to 30 minutes under the dryer twice a week. Mama has to keep things convenient and simple.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Deep Conditioner

Think I'll take a bit of time this afternoon to baby my hair. Experimenting with roller setting has left me uneasy. The length of my hair is soft. But the new growth underneath feels dry and slightly matted. So....

Tonight I'll be borrowing heavily from YouTube's Macheriamour's deep conditioning play book:

Pre-poo with coconut milk.
Shampoo with diluted TJ Nourish Spa.
Deep condition with one of my AO products. Detangle/comb the product through.
Sit under the dryer for 20 minutes letting the product marinate.
Rinse and apply Nourish Spa conditioner for 5 minutes. Detangle/comb the product through.
Rinse and pat dry.
Apply Hair One/coconut oil.
If my new growth is manageable I'll do an easy roller set.
Sit under the dryer for 45-50 minutes or air dry overnight.

If this doesn't give me the improved results I want I'll go back to a strictly NO HEAT regimen for awhile.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Writing Things Down

About 6 months into my transition to natural hair I began having a difficult time detangling my massive new growth. Things changed in the shower one evening and suddenly combs glided through my thick tresses with ease. My hair bliss only lasted a couple of weeks. Why? I changed things up and friggin' forgot what I did to appease my new growth!

I remember using Trader Joe's Nourish Spa shampoo and conditioner. But somehow I think I also used one of my Aubrey Organic products as a deep conditioner. Before pulling my damp tresses into a bun I applied a bit of Hair One leave in and EVCO. That's it.....I think.

I'll be so annoyed if I can figure it out again.