Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I'm Pretty Sure I'm Transitioning

I've been on the fence for a minute. But I think I'm going natural again. The whole post-partum shedding thing kinda made up my mind for me. The last thing I've wanted to do is make my hair appear thinner by relaxing it. So I've steered clear of chemicals for the past 9 months.

Oh, did I mention I was scalped at the beauty shop recently? I wanted a deep trim and ended up with one hell of a hair cut. Can't say I'm really upset. I knew the risk I was taking allowing a stranger to cut my hair. So basically...I look at it as a mini-chop. The back of my head is pretty much completely natural.

Oh well. Can't wait to bee 100% natural. I'll just press my hair when I want a straight look.