Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I'm Pretty Sure I'm Transitioning

I've been on the fence for a minute. But I think I'm going natural again. The whole post-partum shedding thing kinda made up my mind for me. The last thing I've wanted to do is make my hair appear thinner by relaxing it. So I've steered clear of chemicals for the past 9 months.

Oh, did I mention I was scalped at the beauty shop recently? I wanted a deep trim and ended up with one hell of a hair cut. Can't say I'm really upset. I knew the risk I was taking allowing a stranger to cut my hair. So basically...I look at it as a mini-chop. The back of my head is pretty much completely natural.

Oh well. Can't wait to bee 100% natural. I'll just press my hair when I want a straight look.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

November 2009 Update

It's been awhile. I haven't done much with my hair. Truth is....I'm frustrated with my ends and the general appearance of my hair. Hiding it in buns is my day to day look. Cutting a few inches appeals to me. However, I'm holding out until Spring....I think. maybe by then I will have a clearer idea of what I want to do with my hair besides cutting it off.

anyway, I took a few pics of my hair today since it was the first time in weeks that I've worn it down.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Update / Post Partum Shedding Pics

My hair has turned a corner.....finally. My shower isn't full of hairballs these days. Now that things are beginning to look up I've stepped up my regimen a bit.

Over the weekend I enlisted my hubby to even out my ends. They were HORRID! Between my super duper new growth and shed hairs creating unmanageable tangles I'm surprised I have any hair left.
Anywhoo, this is how I'm wearing it for the time being: gently pulled into a ponytail with the ends pinned under. It does NOTHING to cover my sparse edges. But I can't do anything about that....ya know. Patience and time are the only remedy.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Baking Soda Treatment

The other night I added a tablespoon of baking soda to HE Long Term Relationship Conditioner and left it on for 30 minutes. My hair was noticeably softer afterward. This treatment is definitely a keeper. Perhaps using it every two weeks or so will keep my ends moisturized and prevent that dried crunchy texture that plagues me during the hot summer months.

Hopefully I'm not seeing things....but I think my shedding is slowing down. One thing I've done that's made a huge difference in the amount of hair I lose daily is to search and destroy nasty snarls. The snarls are loose hairs which create impossible tangles! Pulling a comb through them is asking for major ripping and damage. So I'm taking my sweet time pulling them apart with my fingers. As a result there's much less hair on the floor and in my brush.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Seriously thinking about wigs....

It's been three months now and I'm so sick of this shedding. Wearing wigs is beginning to appeal to me. Ugh! I hate wigs. They feel like a hairy hat sitting on top of my big head.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Simple Ayurveda?

I've read tons of posts heralding the benefits of Ayurvedic hair care. I've been tempted to jump on the bandwagon for quite some time. It's just that I not invest in a regimen that requires a gang-load of time and effort. does anyone practice Ayurveda simply and efficiently?

This weekend I'm incorporating a bit of this trend in my regimen. Instead of using henna (which leaves a reddish hue in the hair) I'll be trying a glossing treatment using Cassia Obovata from Wish me luck!

Conditioning Challenge

Well, I've decided to take part in the LHCF Deep Condition every Other Day Challenge. In 10 days I've managed to reverse the terminal dryness that has plagued me for several months! The product combination provides the most slip, lasting moisture, softness and minimal build up is:

Pantene Long & Strong 2-n-1 shampoo and conditioner
Pantene Long & Strong conditioner
Motions After Shampoo Moisture Conditioner

Once I've washed and conditioned with Pantene I use Motions as a leave-in....paying special attention to my ends. I then gather my damp towel dried hair into a ponytail and seal the ends with whatever I have on hand. Right now it's either ORS Mango Butter or my own Shea Butter Mix.

This routine works exceptionally when I baggy my ends each night. I'll be doing this for the remainder of the summer!!

Who knows....I may actually reach APL this year after all.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Pics

I took new pics to document my summer hair happenings. Consider these "BEFORE" shots as I'm continuing to battle Post Partum Shedding and Dryness. I've gone through it before and understand the condition is temporary. While I wait it out I'm just gonna moisturize my situation and keep things simple.

Tonight I washed with Suave Clarifying shampoo followed by a DC with a mix of ORS Replenishing Conditioner and Hask Olive Oil hair treatment. I'll be baggying my ends with Sunsilk Leave in 9in the pink bottle) and seal with shea butter.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Trimming and Shedding

It's been almost 3 months since I gave birth to SweetPea and my hair has begun to shed. Every night I have handfuls of hair in my comb and on the bathroom floor. There wasn't much time to prepare for this since I assumed post partum shedding wouldn't occur until I stopped breastfeeding. At least that's what happened last time around.

Anywhooo.....I dusted my ends last night and the tangles seem to have improved. At least I don't feel like I'm ripping hair out and exacerbating the shedding situation. Focusing on moisture and detangling is key for me now. I can't do a darn thing about the shedding. But I can baby the hair that sticks around.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April 25th Shopping Trip

I'll be visiting the Beauty Supply Store and Wal-Mart this Saturday.

April Update

My hair is growing nicely. Think I'll just grow it out for a few more months then snip my ragged ends. Last time I measure I was firmly at collarbone length !! Achieving APL ought to be a breeze if I'm consistent. Remember.....consistency is not my strong suit!

Nevertheless, this is the longest my hair has ever been. So maybe I've finally learned a thing or two.

My current regimen is:

1. Pre poo with ORS Replenishing conditioner. Leave it on while doing housework. Then rinse during my evening shower.

2. Shampoo once with Pantene Beautiful Lengths 2in1 Shampoo.

3. Condition with Pantene Beautiful Lengths Conditioner. You can't skip this step. The shampoo makes my hair feel a bit stripped. The conditioner makes it very slippy.

4. Towel blot.

5. Apply a leave in conditioner. Sunsilk Hydra TLC Leave in is a staple for me.

6. Apply aloe vera gel to my hairline.

7. Pull into a ponytail then seal with a heavy preparation like coconut oil....the kind with petroleum in it. I know it's a bad ingredient. But it's fairly effective at keeping my ends moisturized by sealing the conditioner in.

Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm Back

Well, I've finally gotten the hang of things. It took many weeks but I'm feeling less overwhelmed with the addition of my daughter Katie. Sleep and I aren't speaking right now (LOL)! I can't wait to enjoy a full nights sleep again.

Anywho....I touched my hair up a few weeks ago. I had to. My hair was suffering. It forced me to sh!t or get off the pot. since I wasn't committed to the BIG CHOP and short hair I decided to remain texlaxed.

Though I wish I could've hung on a bit longer I'm happy to report I'm pretty much collar bone length at this time. That was an unexpected to surprise. However, I anticipate cutting my ends in the coming months. They aren't split or anything. Just raggedy looking and slightly uneven.

My hairline is slowly improving. Never again will I underestimate the power of using good tools. Brushing is the devil! But if you must do it choose (and use) your brush carefully,

Friday, February 27, 2009

Having The Baby Today

I'll be away for the next week or so. We're having our baby this morning (c-section). I'm pretty sure I'll be over the moon between finally seeing my LO and the drugs I'm sure to be on (LOL)!

My hair is in a messy bun. Not too cute. But it's well conditioned. Should hold up well for the next few days.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Much Needed Inspiration - Stretching

I've been a little discouraged lately. My new growth is so thick! detangling has really taxed my nerves. And my ends are looking a little raggedy. Looks like it's time to get back to what really works for me: simplicity and no heat.

For the next 30 days I'm gonna try Sylver2's relaxer stretching regimen. I'm about 9 months post relaxer. She's 11! So her tips are just what the doctor ordered.

Luckily for me I was able to pick up the products she recommends at my local Giant grocery store: Rusk Smoothing Conditioner and NTM Leave-In Conditioner. I'll try it out tonight and post my results tomorrow.

Personally I think this is a great style for an expecting mom. I'm hoping to utilized is for the foreseeable future. Lord knows I won't want to be bothered with my hair once the baby arrives.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Upcoming Shopping Trip

Beauty Supply Store on Saturday: need to pick up Rusk conditioner.

Walmart on Saturday or Sunday.

My Bun

I'm wearing my hair straightened again. Still....I can't resist putting it up in a bun. It makes me nervous to wear it down and exposed to the wind too much. Maybe I'll soften up by the summer and rock a cute twist out once in awhile.

What's the use of growing your hair out if you can't enjoy it?

Can you tell I'm 9 months pregnant here? Even my neck looks fat!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Friday, January 30, 2009

Transitioning or Stretching?

Don't know what the heck I'm doing now. I'm seriously thinking about texlaxing once the baby is born. Not sure I want to spend inordinate amounts of time doing my hair. I'm so used to bunning.

This weekend I'm going to straighten my hair again. Maybe see how long I can wear it that way before going crazy. I swear I NEED to wash/condition several times a week. Otherwise I think my hair will dry up and fall out (LOL)!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hair Color Question

Just had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine. She asked if I colored my hair when I was natural. Back then my hair was several shades darker. Growing out of my scalp in a never before seen rich reddish brown.

It's common knowledge that relaxers tend to lighten the hair over time. It's true. My hair color is markedly lighter WITHOUT the use of permanent hair color simply because I'm texlaxed. Also, my hair color doesn't reflect light well when it's natural/curly.

Check it out:

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Good Brush

Just picked up a cheap boar bristle brush from Wal-Mart. It's so much better than that horrible hair pulling piece of crap I've used for the past 2 years. What was I thinking? The front of my hair could be so much healthier without the harsh brushing it's endured.

My old brush is some kind of two-sided monstrosity called a fade brush. The name is apt. As your hairline will surely fade if you use it!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Transition Blues

Hmm...I'm going through that phase where I want to relax my hair. Struggling with the new growth is getting to me. I'm about 8 months pregnant and really not interested in time consuming rituals of any kind. Luckily my commitment to avoiding harsh chemicals while carrying my daughter isn't negotiable.

Still, I'm not sure what I want to do for my hair after she gets here. I suppose I'll know better by the time she arrives.

Great, healthy looking hair!

Potential Problem
My ends are suffering a bit since I changed my regimen. Sometimes I fall into an "either/or" trap. Either I baby my ends or baby my new growth. The key is to do BOTH!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Deep Conditioning Update

So far so good. But I decided to forgo straightening this week. Instead I'm back in my trust, dusty and damp bun. Oh, I was oh so generous with my homemade shea butter moisturizer too. This style ought to last me a few days before I feel the need to wash again.

Next time I'll probably do a conditioner wash....But maybe do an overnight deep condition prior to wash day. I'm busy chasing 3 kids all day and really can't commit to 30 minutes under the dryer twice a week. Mama has to keep things convenient and simple.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Deep Conditioner

Think I'll take a bit of time this afternoon to baby my hair. Experimenting with roller setting has left me uneasy. The length of my hair is soft. But the new growth underneath feels dry and slightly matted. So....

Tonight I'll be borrowing heavily from YouTube's Macheriamour's deep conditioning play book:

Pre-poo with coconut milk.
Shampoo with diluted TJ Nourish Spa.
Deep condition with one of my AO products. Detangle/comb the product through.
Sit under the dryer for 20 minutes letting the product marinate.
Rinse and apply Nourish Spa conditioner for 5 minutes. Detangle/comb the product through.
Rinse and pat dry.
Apply Hair One/coconut oil.
If my new growth is manageable I'll do an easy roller set.
Sit under the dryer for 45-50 minutes or air dry overnight.

If this doesn't give me the improved results I want I'll go back to a strictly NO HEAT regimen for awhile.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Writing Things Down

About 6 months into my transition to natural hair I began having a difficult time detangling my massive new growth. Things changed in the shower one evening and suddenly combs glided through my thick tresses with ease. My hair bliss only lasted a couple of weeks. Why? I changed things up and friggin' forgot what I did to appease my new growth!

I remember using Trader Joe's Nourish Spa shampoo and conditioner. But somehow I think I also used one of my Aubrey Organic products as a deep conditioner. Before pulling my damp tresses into a bun I applied a bit of Hair One leave in and EVCO. That's it.....I think.

I'll be so annoyed if I can figure it out again.