Friday, January 2, 2009

Deep Conditioner

Think I'll take a bit of time this afternoon to baby my hair. Experimenting with roller setting has left me uneasy. The length of my hair is soft. But the new growth underneath feels dry and slightly matted. So....

Tonight I'll be borrowing heavily from YouTube's Macheriamour's deep conditioning play book:

Pre-poo with coconut milk.
Shampoo with diluted TJ Nourish Spa.
Deep condition with one of my AO products. Detangle/comb the product through.
Sit under the dryer for 20 minutes letting the product marinate.
Rinse and apply Nourish Spa conditioner for 5 minutes. Detangle/comb the product through.
Rinse and pat dry.
Apply Hair One/coconut oil.
If my new growth is manageable I'll do an easy roller set.
Sit under the dryer for 45-50 minutes or air dry overnight.

If this doesn't give me the improved results I want I'll go back to a strictly NO HEAT regimen for awhile.

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