Thursday, August 20, 2009

Baking Soda Treatment

The other night I added a tablespoon of baking soda to HE Long Term Relationship Conditioner and left it on for 30 minutes. My hair was noticeably softer afterward. This treatment is definitely a keeper. Perhaps using it every two weeks or so will keep my ends moisturized and prevent that dried crunchy texture that plagues me during the hot summer months.

Hopefully I'm not seeing things....but I think my shedding is slowing down. One thing I've done that's made a huge difference in the amount of hair I lose daily is to search and destroy nasty snarls. The snarls are loose hairs which create impossible tangles! Pulling a comb through them is asking for major ripping and damage. So I'm taking my sweet time pulling them apart with my fingers. As a result there's much less hair on the floor and in my brush.

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